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Roe Bell, Senior Research Specialist


Supply Chain, Transportation, Automation, & Resource Sustainability

Stephen “Roe” Bell is a researcher under the Supply Chain, Transportation, Automation, and Energy Resource Sustainability (STARS) initiative with VTTI. Roe graduated with a BS in Meteorology in 2016, with a focus in geospatial analysis. Since starting in September 2021, their research has centered around data analysis, reduction, and visualization, and using geographic information systems (GIS) to conduct temporospatial analyses. The various GIS operations that Roe has utilized include hotspot analyses using georeferenced datasets to study various causal effects on vehicle crashes as well as wildlife-vehicle conflict (WVC) mitigation, most notably contributing to VDOT’s portion of Virginia’s Wildlife Corridor Action Plan (WCAP), published in 2023; land suitability modeling for potential truck parking locations near highways; and regional data visualization. Roe currently serves as a member on the Road Weather and Winter Maintenance Committees under the National Academies’ Transportation Research Board. Research interests primarily focus on supply chain and transportation resiliency including road weather, decarbonization, WVC mitigation, automation and vehicle-to-everything (V2X) connectivity, building a resilient workforce, and DEI in transportation, such as equitable environmental and economic justice, including promoting inclusivity and accessibility for disadvantaged communities.
