VTTI’s Division of Vehicle, Driver, and System Safety (DVDSS) is ‘all in’ on revamping the current lighting system to be energy-efficient and, ultimately, save money. Infrastructure-based Safety Systems Lab leader Ron Gibbons has built an entire portfolio of lighting work associated with modern lighting systems, such as LEDs, which have profound implications for saving money on electricity while still maintaining or increasing safety benefits. Currently, Dr. Gibbons and his team are developing lighting standards and recommendations for all road users around the country, expanding VTTI’s influence nationwide.
A current project by DVDSS researchers titled “Adaptive Lighting for Streets and Residential Areas” provides the focus for the cost savings. Adaptive lighting is an approach to lighting application in which the lighting levels are controlled based on the needs of the users of the space. Adaptive lighting can be used to turn off or dim the lighting when it is not required. Such systems are enabled by the instant-on and dimming capabilities of LEDs and have been shown to have the potential to reduce energy consumption by up to 80%. Additional benefits of adaptive lighting systems include reductions in the potential negative effects associated with outdoor lighting, such as light trespass and skyglow. This study involves an analysis of the impacts of adaptive lighting with the goal of developing metrics to guide the design and implementation of adaptive lighting systems.
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